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You've Seen the Videos, Get the BookAir Cannons, Magnet Motors, and 25 Other Amazing DIY Science Projects
The Viral Video Manifesto
Get Our Book on What Makes Videos Go Viral"Voltz and Grobe have deciphered the magic of making viral videos."
—Stafford Green, The Coca-Cola Company

When a Love of Science Meets a Love of Awesome, Ordinary Objects become Extraordinary Experiments. Learn to...
• Amaze onlookers as your head inflates to twice its size
• Pierce a balloon without popping it
• Power a mini-rocket car with Coke and Mentos
• Cause a metal can to crush itself
• Blow out a candle 25 feet away with a giant air vortex cannon
However old you are, it's time to be the coolest kid on the block.